I’ve scheduled a post to go Live on Altneuland on Saturday night (i.e. after Shabbat). What’s the big deal? It will be the 100th post there since I started. It’s also almost exactly one month to go until the 1st anniversary of my leaving the corporate world to write full time (15 June 2007).
So where am I?
On the positive side, the blog has stabilised, I’m posting regularly (usually 3 times a week), reading lots, got into quite a good discipline. Visitor and page numbers are creeping up steadily. Very positive feedback from guys like Joel Katz (Religion and State in Israel) and a couple of others (thanks Mom).
On the negative side, I’m bogged down with trying to keep up with my reading, haven’t caught up my backlog of admin and capture. Spending too little time on actual writing and research. I feel totally ignorant about much of the technology I’m using and still have so much to learn about many of the things I’m writing about. I’m battling to break through the 10 hits a day ceiling, still nowhere near $10 each in revenue from AdSense and Amazon. Still very few comments. Still battling to achieve some visibility and recognition. The J-Blogosphere mostly sucks.
I’m by no means ready to give up (in fact I feel like I’ve just started), but the whole process is more difficult and taking a whole lot longer than I ever imagined. I estimated 6-12 months to achieve a breakthrough. Yeah, right…
Well, here’s to the next 100 posts and 12 months. I really believe I’m strongly placed to grow from here. Some routines will have to change, and I still have a steep learning curve ahead, but I’ll get there!
Also, I could never go back to where I was, in any sense.