P3 Living KZN
Of interest (to me anyway) was an advertisement and advertorial for Living KZN (A Durban Jewish Community Initiative), which aims to assist (even encourage) Jews to relocate to KZN (Kwazulu-Natal). We’ve often dreamed of moving to the rural Natal Midlands, but the little one’s educational needs keep us here in JHB. Here’s the link to their website:
[Welcome to LivingKZN]
P10 Machal reunion
Covered the reunion function for SA veterans of Machal and the visit to SA of the legendary Col (Res) David (Migdal) Teperson. Col Teperson runs the Machal Museum in Israel and now plans to set up a Machal website.
Truly the greatest generation…
Pp20-1 Paula Slier
The letters page featured the SABC/Paula Slier/SAJBD controversy. I have to say that Paula Slier emerges from the dispute looking both professional and spunky, while the SAJBD (SA Jewish Board of Deputies) ends up looking like a Judenrat or Hofjuden (these terms were not used by any of the correspondents), perhaps undeservedly. For my part, I’d just like to see fewer fawning photo-ops with corrupt politicians and ANC apparatchiks. I’m also of the opinion that, in this day and age, it would be possible to hold electronic elections and referenda or opinion polls to ensure that they representative of and accountable to the SA Jewish community.
P25 Jewish education
Carries an advertisement for the Kind David Schools’ Foundation to "help a deserving Jewish child receive an education of excellence at one of the King David schools". My daughter is a deserving Jewish child, but was not even considered for admission to KDS as a non-Halachic Jew (or non-Jew according to some). Her private school tuition now costs me an arm and a leg each year, but she’s doing just great in her Hebrew and Jewish studies, thanks for asking.
The SA Jewish community has many strengths, but Outreach sure isn’t one of them, with the notable and noble exception of Reform.
South African Jewish Newspaper - Jewish Community News http://www.sajewishreport.co.za/pdf/24-August-2007.pdf